
how to change your zoom name


To change your Zoom name, you can follow these steps:

Open the Zoom application on your computer or mobile device. Sign in to your Zoom account if you haven’t already done so.

Once you’re signed in, click on your profile picture or initials in the top-right corner of the screen. In the drop-down menu that appears, select “Profile.

“On the profile page, locate the section where your name is displayed.

Click on the “Edit” button next to your name. A dialog box will open where you can edit your name. Update your name to the desired new name.

After making the changes, click the “Save” or “Apply” button to save the updated name.

Your new name will now be displayed in Zoom meetings, chat, and other Zoom interactions.

Note: If you are joining a Zoom meeting through a web browser without signing in, you may need to change your name within the meeting itself. During the meeting, hover your mouse over your video thumbnail, click on the “More” button (represented by three dots), and select “Rename” from the menu. Then, you can enter your desired name and click “OK” to change it for that specific meeting.

Here are some tips for change your zoom name

Customizing your display name:

When changing your Zoom name, you have the option to customize it according to your preference. You can use your first name, first name and last initial, or any other name that you are comfortable with and that identifies you appropriately.

Professional considerations:

If you are using Zoom for professional or work-related meetings, it’s generally advisable to use a name that reflects your professional identity. Using your full name or the name by which you are commonly known in professional settings can help establish credibility and professionalism.

Updating your Zoom profile picture:

In addition to changing your Zoom name, you can also update your profile picture. This allows others to recognize you visually during meetings and helps personalize your Zoom experience. To change your profile picture, navigate to your profile page and look for the option to upload a new image.

Changing your Zoom name during a meeting:

If you join a Zoom meeting and want to change your name temporarily, you can do so within the meeting interface. Hover over your video thumbnail, click on the “More” button (represented by three dots), and select “Rename” from the menu. Enter the desired name and click “OK” to update your name for that specific meeting only.

Using appropriate and respectful names:

It’s important to use names that are respectful and appropriate in all Zoom interactions. Avoid using offensive, misleading, or inappropriate names that may disrupt the meeting or make others uncomfortable. Maintaining a professional and respectful environment contributes to a positive Zoom experience for everyone involved.


Remember, the ability to change your Zoom name may be subject to the settings and permissions set by the meeting host or your Zoom administrator. If you encounter any difficulties or limitations, it’s recommended to consult your organization’s IT support or the meeting host for further assistance.


Q1: Can I change my Zoom name on the Zoom website?

A1: Yes, you can change your Zoom name on the Zoom website. Sign in to your Zoom account, go to your profile settings, and edit your name accordingly. The changes will reflect in your Zoom meetings and interactions.

Q2: Can I change my Zoom name on the Zoom mobile app?

A2: Yes, you can change your Zoom name on the Zoom mobile app. Open the app, sign in to your Zoom account, access your profile settings, and update your name as desired.

Q3: Will changing my Zoom name affect my past meeting recordings or chat messages?

A3: No, changing your Zoom name will not affect past meeting recordings or chat messages. The name change only applies to your Zoom account’s display name and will be reflected in future interactions.

Q4: Can I use special characters or emojis in my Zoom name?

A4: Zoom allows you to use special characters and some emojis in your Zoom name. However, it’s advisable to use them sparingly and appropriately to ensure clarity and professionalism in your display name.

Q5: Will other participants in a Zoom meeting see my updated name?

A5: Yes, when you change your Zoom name, it will be visible to other participants in the meeting. They will see your updated name in the participant list, video tiles, and chat messages.

Q6: Can I change my Zoom name during a meeting without signing in?

A6: Yes, if you join a Zoom meeting without signing in, you can still change your name within the meeting interface. Simply hover over your video thumbnail, click on the “More” button (three dots), and select “Rename” to update your name for that specific meeting.


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