
How to Win at Spider Solitaire: A Short Guide

There is this short guide that can help you on how to win at spider solitaire; you can have a look at the details of this short guide now.

If you are playing the four suit version of spider solitaire, then keep in mind that winning this version is specifically and particularly difficult to beat.

This game Spider Solitaire is a game of chance and you deal with lots of cards to become the winner in it.

How to win at Spider Solitaire?

You might be wondering how to win at Spider Solitaire, check out these important tips and guides. Firstly, there are some basic rules that you should follow while playing this game.

If you skip understanding these rules, then your chances of winning spider solitaire will be reduced. In addition, you play this game with the help of two decks of cards without the use of any of the wild cards.

Moreover, these cards are dealt and handled completely into 10 columns of cards. Keep in mind that the first 4 columns are actually 6 cards tall.

On the other hand, the last 6 columns are particularly 5 cards tall. While you reach to the bottom of each column, then all those cards are facing up.

And we have seen that the rest of the cards are all facing down. To win this spider solitaire game, you have to come up with sets of 13 cards.

Arrange these cards in the descending order form starting from King to Ace.

Hints for Winning Spider Solitaire game

No doubt, this is a tricky game to win. But there are a few of the simple tricks and hints that instantly increase your chance of winning.

If you are playing this game on your computer, then keep in mind that you should be peeking right under the hidden cards to check whether any of the useful cards are going to open themselves to help you further.

Furthermore, you should be building groups of cards. By doing so, it will be easy and hassle-free for you to move those cards in future.

Try opening up two columns. In this manner, the practice of restacking cards completely into their suits will become easier for you.

Fill spaces with some cards that you believe are useful for your game

To all those who are beginners in playing this spider solitaire game, they can remember this useful tip.

It is recommended to fill up the spaces with those kinds of cards that you believe possess a good chance of winning. Furthermore, you can fill these spaces with those cards that are one rank above and might get appeared in the very next deal.

We can give you an easy example in this regard. You can fill the space with the card that is carried and accompanied by six of spades right there in column eight.

Alternatively, you can fill spaces with those types of cards that you can easily build them back on your present tableau. Moreover, it is not always a better idea to uncover as well as expose a facedown card.

Instead, it is recommended to leave the facedown card all exposed and covered and you can then fill the space with that kind of card that displays a good chance of being selected and picked up again.

When you see that most of the columns are covered and topped with aces, then the overall and total probability of making further moves becomes usually and generally poor. Instead of uncovering or revealing a facedown card, you can fill the space with cards that possess the highest probability of being chosen up again.

Try getting the cards of same and similar suit together

It is advised by the experts of spider solitaire games to keep on getting cards of the same and similar suit together. There is a chance that you may lose this game if you miss this golden opportunity.

In addition, it does not matter that you have to make 20 or 30 separate moves for the sake of getting two cards of the same and similar suit together, just follow this tip simply and win this game.

Moreover, this game even allows the player to swap any of their columns. You can flag all your cards of a provided and given suit.

If you manage to get the cards of the similar suit together, then it will be convenient for you to more easily assemble the whole suite of cards completely in one column.

Lastly, there is no need to remove a whole suite of cards no matter this opportunity is available for you. Avoid this practice as much as you can.

You can simply keep these cards and suitably use them for getting more cards.


Hence, this is the short and simple guide that we have mentioned to you to win this spider solitaire game.

Let us know if you have any questions on this short and basic guide.

Share your tips regarding what strategy you follow to become a sure shot winner in this card game.

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